Once a while blog on Food, Dancing and my 9394 mind on daily living

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Friday ( 8th Sept 2006 ) Wear Khaki in Tribute to STEVE IRWIN

If you are fan of Steve Irwin and wanna honor his great works, tomorrow Friday wear his Crocodile Hunter's trademarks "KHAKI"

It gonna be a International Khaki Day this Friday and it all started from chain email calling on all recipients to pay homage to Steve Irwin

More information HERE

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Why No Wall Clock in the Casino Hall

9393 Fact-c Finding

Do take note next time when you pop in the Casino Hall or even our local Clubs with Tiger Machine(slot machine) , you won’t find any Wall Clocks that will tell us what time isit.Also in the gambling hall /rooms there are no windows tell us the outside world whether is Day time, Night time, Raining or even Doomsdays

Despite us wearing watches all the time we still look at clocks either at home or work place all the time because these devices help us regulate our lives.

Go figure it out why?

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Two Beautiful Blogger's Ladies Birthday Today

5th September two of my blogger friends birthday (SCB) and Survon a Ipoh mari Leng Lui working in Budapest,Hungary.

Wing of Rojaks Blog wrote a very Beautiful Birthday greeting post for Lisa at For SCB Blog.Do drop by and write your comment, even at this moment Lisa still unable to read our post or comment, I believe our wishes will reach her Heart and help her recover faster

Happy Birthday Lisa ( Birthday greeting post HERE )

Happy Birthday Survon the Ipoh mari Leng Lui ( Her blog HERE)


Monday, September 04, 2006

CrocodileHunter Irwin killed

So So Sad, got a yahoo massenger just now about this sad news Here

Seems Steve Irwin was killed by a stingray this morning 10am(malaysian time)

Even my 4 years old son is a great fan of Steve

sadly miss him