A blogger from USA created a blog for SCB update:-
For siao cha bor. . .
For siao cha bor. . .
So join me.. fellow bloggers.. tomorrow at your lunch time.. and my 2am.. anyone from everywhere.. if you can.. to please pray for SCB .. to wake up… and to recover.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Updates: 19th April 2006 - 1pm (Asia Time)
19th April 2006 - 2am (Canada Time)
19th April 2006 - 7am (Spain Time)
Bloggers from all over the world .. to please join me.. in prayers..! you need not be a christian or a catholic. You can be of any religion.. even if you donch have a religion.. please join me.. in saying a prayer for SCB… to wake up .. from her coma.. and to recover.
Lin Peh email:-
I am sure you are aware that we kawan, Siao Cha Bo, is
in coma and need all the sappot we can give.
So, please do the following:
1. pray for her (wat religion oso can la)
2. stick the attched logo (creation of Tan Sri Lojak)
at your blog.
3. record your wake-up voice message for her and send
it to lin peh at xymalaysia@yahoo.com. I will polish
the recording a bit, make sure all sound nice nice,
and make that into a CD and play it loud loud for her
until she wakes up.
Tank q in advance for your sappot !
Lin Peh